Sunday, June 2, 2024


KSQD radio - “Exploring Santa Cruz” 

Monday, June 3 at 3:30 p.m.

"Exploring Santa Cruz" a bi-weekly, one hour program hosted by Mathilde Rand


KSQD available on 90.7, 89.7 and 89.5 FM.



Deborah Osterberg, author of the book, 

Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park – Big Trees Grove.


Deborah's book traces the history of how a grove of giant redwoods in Felton became the first grove of coast redwoods ever preserved for public recreation and how it became the place where most 19th century visitors to California first laid eyes upon the Big Trees.


Friday, April 14, 2023

Denver Public Library


Honor Book List 

Caroline Bancroft History
Prize Competition  

The Western History and Genealogy Department of the Denver Public Library annually holds a competition for the Caroline Bancroft History Prize.

The committee also compiled an Honor List 
of books from the competition 

My book, 
Historic Tales of Henry Cowell
 Redwoods State Park - 
Big Trees Grove
was added to Honor Book List

The competition is for books on Western American History, covering the area inclusive of the trans-Mississippi West from prehistoric times to the present. This includes all states west of the Mississippi River, Alaska, Hawaii, and the Canadian and Mexican borderlands. 

To be a competition nominee, books had to be published in 2021 and have footnotes or endnotes, a bibliography, and an index.

The Caroline Bancroft History Prize committee, composed of Denver Public Library employees, considered nominees who made "a significant contribution to historical knowledge, that present thorough and original research, that bring a new perspective to some well-known question, and that are of high literary quality."

I am honored to have been a nominee for the Caroline Bancroft History competition and to be included on their 2022 Honor Book List. 
                                                         Deborah Osterberg

Sunday, October 10, 2021




On Saturday October 23rd and Sunday October 24th the Mountain Parks Foundation is hosting a joint book signing for lovers of local history and the redwoods. 

Each day from noon until 4:00 p.m. come meet:

Deborah Osterberg  
author of 
Historic Tales of Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park - Big Trees Grove


Traci Bliss  
author of 
Big Basin Redwood Forest - 
California's Oldest State Park

The joint book signing will be held on the deck outside of the Nature Store at Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park. Proceeds will benefit the Mountain Parks Foundation's education programs. 

Sunday, August 29, 2021


The Giant, circa 1890, from the University of California, Santa Cruz, Special Collections, Santa Cruz County Historic Photograph Collection. Tourists often tacked their personal calling cards upon the forest monarch.

The following appeared in the May 2, 1867, issue of The Cultivator & Country Gentleman magazine:

“I hold in my hand a statement signed by twelve citizens of the county of Santa Cruz, [naming them] gentlemen of unquestioned veracity, an extract of which is as follows:

‘On land owned and cultivated by Mr. James Williams, an onion grew to the enormous weight of twenty-one pounds. On the same land, a turnip was grown that equalled exactly in size the top of a flour barrel. On land owned and cultivated by Thomas Fallen, a cabbage grew which measured, while growing, 13 feet six inches around its body. The various cereal grains also grew to the height of from 6 to 12 feet. One redwood tree in the valley, known as Fremont’s tree, measures over 50 feet in circumference, and is nearly 300 feet high …’”

Sunday, August 15, 2021



Author's Personal Collection

Soon after arriving in Felton around 1924, fifty-one-year-old Henry Staley was hired by the Welch brothers as the new manager of Big Trees Grove. Known as Harry to his friends, the native San Franciscan served as manager until the Welch family sold the grove to Santa Cruz County in 1930. Once the grove became Santa Cruz County Big Trees Park, Staley stayed on as a grove guide.* 


Staley became an expert in local flora and fauna. It was said that if he "… had twin daughters that’s what he would name them." He escorted countless visitors through the grove and received letters of commendation from dignitaries all over the world. One day at the grove in the early 1920s, Staley met a distinguished-looking elderly gentleman who expressed an equally intense interest in native plant life.


"The guest was anxious about the flowers and the dispositions of the redwoods. He kept Henry busy answering questions for fully an hour. Returning to the park gate the guest thanked Henry cordially for his courteous treatment and said: 'If you should happen to be in Santa Rosa some day, call and see me. My name is Burbank.'"


Luther Burbank, c. 1910 - Library of Congress

Luther Burbank, considered the leading horticulturalist in America, was born in Massachusetts in 1849. There he began a 55-year career in plant breeding. After selling the rights to a new Idaho potato he developed, Burbank used the windfall to move to California. He settled in Santa Rosa where he established a nursery, greenhouse, and experimental gardens. He developed more than 800 new strains of plants, including 113 varieties of plums, 10 commercial varieties of berries and hundreds of ornamental flowers. "One of Burbank's goals was to increase the world's food supply by manipulating the characteristics of plants. Burbank developed an improved spineless cactus which could provide forage for livestock in desert regions."


Burbank passed away on April 11, 1926 and was buried under the Cedar of Lebanon in his front yard. The Luther Burbank Home & Gardens, located in downtown Santa Rosa is a Registered National, State, City and Horticultural Historic Landmark.   

* Harry Staley passed away in 1941. Sadly, but perhaps fittingly, he died a few days after collapsing while taking a party on a tour of the Big Trees.


Sources: “Inside and Outside by Brent,” Santa Cruz Evening News, April 14, 1932, 1:1; Luther Burbank Home & Garden, “Luther Burbank,” 2021,; Encyclopedia Britannica, “Luther Burbank – American Plant Breeder,” 2021, Revised by Melissa Petruzzello,