Sunday, June 21, 2020


Author's Personal Collection

“While the delegates to the Internataional Convention of the Young Men’s Christian Association were visitng the Big Trees, the gentlemen in charge of the main grove intimated to one of the party that a fine group of giants had not yet received a name and suggested that the party might appropriate it for a memorial of the International Convention. The hint was taken at once and the gentlemen requested to conduct the party to the group. It was soon reached and proved to be one of the finest in the grove, composed of one fine central tree surrounded by ten large smaller ones, and two slim shoots, makin in all thirteen parts, all closely united, forming a beautiful cluster symetrical in form and about thirty-five feet in diameter. A ring, composed of delegates from the various States and Provinces, was at once formed about the group, and with clasped hands, the Association hymn, ‘Blest be the Tie,’ was sung ... Another hymn was sung, after which appropriate texts from Scripture were recited by the various delegates representing States, each of which was taken for permanent record ... A collection was then taken to defray the expenses of a sign to be attached to the tree and the purchase of a book for permanent record of the exercises ... It was a pleasing and impressive service, and will always be remembered as one of the most interesting incidents of the Santa Cruz trip, while the newly christened group fittingly represents the  vigor, strength, unity and permanency of these associations of young men, so frequently alluded to as the great moral and religious movement of the 19th century.”

The tree dedicated on May 17, 1887 was adorned with the following inscription:

“Young Men’s Christian Association Group, John 17:21. Dedicated by the delegates to the Twenty-seventh International Convention.’”

Source: “A Memorial. – The Y.M.C.A. Big Tree – A Novel Christening,” Santa Cruz Daily Surf, May 25, 1887.

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